Saturday, 16 July 2016

10 Key Ingredients To Living At Peace With Your Spouse

Image result for image of happy couple

1. Actively seek to live at peace. 

Put each other first and serve

Breastfeeding to Husband, is it good? click and find out

Image result for picture of a breast feeding to husband
It is difficult for most women to discuss with her friends or company on this topic. According to a research almost every breastfeeding mother has

Why Do Couples Look Alike? will surprise you. just click

You've probably seen it before--two elderly people walking hand in hand down the street or sitting at a café, resembling each other so strongly that they could be siblings. When looking at two people who are so completely in love, you probably notice that they

Why do couples look alike?..The answer will shock you.


The Happier You Are, The More Alike You Look  And

7 Ways To Get Yourself Out Of A Bad Relationship..Go on,click

Elizabeth Ashley Jerman /
Oftentimes when people are in the wrong relationships, they’ll constantly make excuses to themselves as to why they shouldn’t leave. “But I love him” … “We’ve been dating for so long” … “I feel comfortable with him” … “He will change eventually” …
If you find yourself constantly making excuses like these, get out! Now! The sooner

Is Love the Cause of Hatred? The Answer Will Surprise You

There is an old saying that the opposite of love is not hate; it is indifference. Indeed, it’s pretty hard to hate or even to have a strong aversion to something or someone we don’t really care about. But when we do love, we care. And the stronger our love, the more

Friday, 15 July 2016

"Why is 'You shall not commit adultery' in the Ten Commandments?

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Question: "Why is 'You shall not commit adultery' in the Ten Commandments?"

Before we can answer this question, we need to be clear on the definition of adultery. The dictionary defines “adultery” as “voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and a person who is not his or her spouse.” The Bible would concur with this definition. In Leviticus 18:20, God told Moses, “Do not have sexual relations with your neighbor's wife and defile yourself

Should Christians judge the teachings of their leaders?


Question: "Should Christians judge the teachings of their leaders?"

As Christians, we are

Is Love Enough to Make a Marriage Work? and find out

Many songs and Hollywood movies portray couples who overcome any obstacles in life because they love one another. However, in reality, love alone cannot make two people happily married for

You Don’t Need To Be Married To Seek Marriage Counseling

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Modern society enjoys freedoms that our forefathers would not only frown upon, most likely condemn. Living together ‘out of holy wedlock’ is certainly one of those freedoms. It has come at a price, however, as

What if the Truth Hurts?....hmmmm

There’s a recent movie called The Dilemma.  It’s about what happens when some guy’s buddy thinks about telling the truth about seeing his friend with a woman not his wife.  Should you always tell the truth?  What if the truth has

What does the Bible say about prostitution? Will God forgive a prostitute?...Just read

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Question: "What does the Bible say about prostitution? Will God forgive a prostitute?"

Prostitution is

4 simple ways to make him a better half...(Warning: Do not use this power for evil!)

relationship goals improvement

Being in a relationship doesn't just require loving each other. Both partners are

*Important advice from an 80 year old man...Click

*Important advice from an 80 year old man*
1. Have a firm

Where Has My Marriage Gone Wrong?

The number one question asked of counselors – where has my marriage gone wrong? We wish the answer was as simple as the question. Marriages can go wrong for a lot of reasons. One reason that is hard to fathom is the cop out

What Makes You Feel Loved?....find out

Have you ever stopped to think what it is that makes you feel loved? Many people know whether or not they feel loved but don’t spend much time reflecting on what that actually means. It is important to recognize what actually makes you feel loved by

Problems that Contribute to a Sexless Marriage..A must Read

Problems that Contribute to a Sexless Marriage
Many books and articles have been published recently about the “sexless marriage.” It seems some couples

Honey We Need to Talk…How to Effectively Talk About Serious Issues..Click

When you need to have a serious talk with your spouse, it can be difficult to find the right time, the right place, and the right way to say it. Blurting out “I don’t want your

What to do When You’re Thinking About Ending the Marriage..Click

If you’ve found yourself straddling the fence and it feels like your only two options are to stay in an unsatisfying relationship or get divorced, it’s a tough place to be. It’s also a critical time where your immediate actions can make a big difference to the outcome of your marriage.  Hopefully, the third option is to improve your marriage and enjoy

Thursday, 14 July 2016

Internet Pornography and Sexualized Behaviors Can Damage Marriages...READ

Technology has allowed easy and free access to pornography. Many people

The Negative Impact of Pornography on Marriage..Don't ignore, Read

Pornography can be a big issue in some marriages. Often, it’s the men who want to view it and the wives who aren’t comfortable with it. It leads to some

10 Little Changes that Can Make a Big Impact on Your Marriage..Must Read

African American Couple Laying On The Floor With Rose Petal 2
Improving a marriage doesn’t always require a gigantic intervention. Instead, changing little daily habits can

What does a lady mean when She Says "I Was There For Him" - Romance

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I have heard many ladies use these words and i really want some ladies to clear the air on this matter.

Its amazing that some ladies