Do you look forward to binge-watching the latest season of Orange is the New Black or Game of Thrones with your significant other? It’s possible that this guilty pleasure could be
Men talk of bromance and a new kind of buddy system, of searching for soul mates, even love, but not in the context of sex. That is the point in this new world of male friendship. It is relatively new, and very old, at the same time. In the
Rejection hurts. So much that it may be a significant cause of fraud as an act of revenge.
According to a new study, published in Frontiers in Psychology,
the pain of rejection incites acts of fraud, even if the fraud doesn’t
lead to a
When you’ve been hurt, betrayed, or disappointed by someone you care about, it’s hard to imagine giving that person another chance. Yet, forgiveness
is a value that we’re taught that is
Everybody says Jack and Jill are a lovely couple. He is handsome, ambitious, and quickly moving forward in his career. She is attractive and intelligent, and
If evolutionary psychologist Robin Dunbar is right, language evolved
for gossip. At any rate, we certainly do enough of it. Think of how many
hours a day you spend in idle chit-chat, mostly talking about who did
what to whom.
Gossip is exciting, even
Much has been written about common reasons why
relationships fail. Incompatibility, trust issues, different priorities,
and poor communication are just
When our emotional health is in a bad state, so is our level of self-esteem.
We have to slow down and deal with what is troubling us, so that we can
enjoy the simple joy of being happy and at peace with ourselves.”
― Jess Scott Emotional Intelligence
(EQ or EI) can be
“That’s enough of me talking about myself; let’s hear you talk about me.”
― Anonymous narcissist “It’s not easy being superior to everyone I know.”
― Anon
“A nice and soft voice is a way of life.”
― Common Eastern saying “Children should be seen and not heard.”
― Common Western saying
Do you like the sound of your speaking voice? Many people
The friends in the 90s sitcom Friends were often anything but. I lost
track of how many times Ross and Rachel got together and broke up, only
to hop back into the sack by the time the
For many people, the end of a relationship leaves them stunned and
shocked and not being able to imagine their next relationship.
Some people fear
being alone, but until you learn to be