Monday, 8 August 2016

Shame On You for Getting a Divorce!......... How to not buy into feeling like a failure when your marriage ends

 The Split
Have you ever heard anyone utter these words regarding divorce?
“I have two failed marriages.”
“How can you be so selfish?”
“We’re staying together for the kids.”

Sunday, 7 August 2016

How to Respond to Romantic Rejection With Grace......... A lesson from reality TV's 'The Bachelorette'.

On last night's episode of the reality TV show 'The Bachelorette', millions of viewers watched as Joelle "Jojo" Fletcher gave Chase McNary - one of three remaining

Women DO Make the First Move But it may not be the move you're expecting.

lipstick/Kris Kesiak/Flickr
Women Do Make the First Move…But it may not be the move you’re expecting.
My friends Suzie and

Why Breakups Are So Crushing for Some and So Easy for Others...... 3 reasons we get trapped in the past—and the way out.
In the three years since Sabrina, now 29, and her boyfriend of one year parted ways, she remained heartbroken and unable to

Is a Sexy Voice More Attractive Than a Pretty Face? ... and why it may be more important for you than for your partner.

Lucky Business/Shutterstock
What makes a voice attractive?
What makes a voice sexy and attractive to you? As you might expect, women find lower-pitched voices more masculine and attractive. Men’s lower voices are

Online Dating: Quit Bragging..... Why putting your modest foot forward might be for the best.

When dating online, conventional wisdom dictates that presenting yourself in the best light possible in terms of physical, professional, and personal appeal is the key to success. However, as new

Love, Marriage, and the Illusion of Certainty.......... If you want to love big, you have to think small.

 Tying the Knot
If you're like most people, you rode into married life on powerful waves of affection and intimacy that crashed occasionally into

The Science of a Good Marriage .....Why the best marriages are based on deep friendship.

If anyone understands the chemistry of a good marriage, it's John Gottman, Ph.D. For over three decades, Gottman has interviewed almost 700 couples, recording their interactions and monitoring their heart rate and stress levels in his "Love Lab" -- an