Most of us
are who our parents, background, society or religion wants us to be. Even when
we think we are liberated from trying too hard to please the world by being who
they expect us to be, we still tend to want to be like people we truly admire.
I only wonder who the people we want to be like want to be like. SEE ALSO: How
To Overcome Low Self-Esteem Regardless, the most ideal person you should be is
YOURSELF. The idea of being oneself however is not as simple as it sounds. We
live in a confused world and it is increasingly more difficult to communicate
with oneself today than ever. The following simple steps will guide you to be
yourself despite personality anarchy that threatens our human race; 1. DISCOVER
YOURSELF. As obvious as this may sound, many people get it wrong. It is pretty
easy to. Yet it is the first and most important step to being you. How can you
be yourself, when you don’t have an idea who really you are meant to be in the
first place? You have to learn to pay attention to yourself and listen to your own
inner voice. Ask yourself why you do what you do. Query your every actions and
reactions until you learn your likes, dislikes, persona, uniqueness, passion,
talents, dreams and everything. Isolate your strengths from weaknesses, and
understand what is important to you and what is not. It takes a lot of efforts
and disciplined concentration to achieve this in our noisy world. You might
also require feedbacks from friends and associate to achieve your objective.
Ask them to criticize you and have them do it genuinely. Most importantly,
handle their criticisms with maturity and don’t be disheartened if their lists
also include some awfully unpleasant things about you. Make them comfortable
enough to be able to tell you anything and everything, without any reservations
or fear of hurting you. Keep the end in mind. It is towards making the greatest
personal discovery of your life – discovering yourself! 2. ACCEPT YOURSELF.
Accept your discovery! Embrace your uniqueness. This includes accepting your
pedigree and background – pleasant or unpleasant. It also entails accepting
your strengths as well as weaknesses. Most importantly, learn to accept things
you cannot change about yourself – your past. 3. DEVELOP YOURSELF. As you learn
to accept things you cannot change about yourself, don’t forget to learn how to
change the ones you can, to be who you are created to really be. Though a piece
of gold is still gold when crude, it is best when refined. Then its real value
can be revealed and treasured. The same applies to you. You can’t afford to be
crude if you want to attain your full potentials. Continuously develop your
strengths and diminish your weaknesses. Do everything in your capacity to be a
better person today than you were yesterday, by simply committing yourself to a
life of ever-growing personal improvement. 4. CONTROL YOURSELF. Be in charge of
your own life. Don’t run your life’s affairs by “what will people say” like
most people customarily do. Life is personal and your life’s control must not
be left at the mercy of external factors. Don’t give the steering wheel of your
life to people who have lost theirs. Too many people have lost the control of
their lives to what others think for them. They’ve diminished themselves to
mere robots who functions on auto commands. Am I trying to say you should
ignore peoples’ opinions? Yes! Opinions are as abundant as the over 6 billion
of us walking the earth, and everyone wants theirs to rule your life. So, it
doesn’t really make any sense trying to make sense of the noise. As a kid I was
very mischievous and I erred a lot. Whenever I was indicted for doing something
wrong and I try to blame others’ influence for my actions, my dad simply asks,
“If he asks you to jump into fire, will you?” I felt truly stupid afterwards. As
important as it is to have role models, mentors, advisers and learn from
people, the final control of your life should be yours exclusively. It is your
life; therefore, it’s your responsibility. If you really know who you are, you
will know what is good for you, even if it is unpopular or unconventional. At
the end, what makes you special, unique, and yourself is how much personal
control you have over your actions and reactions. Learn to explore your power
of choice and use it rightly. 5. ENJOY YOURSELF. This is the ultimate. The
whole essence of being yourself is to have the liberty of enjoying yourself.
The idea is simple; BE REAL! Only a real person can enjoy himself/herself. Be
truthful to yourself and your God. Be spontaneous. Laugh when you feel like.
Say what is on your mind. Don’t pretend to be happy when you are not. Don’t act
to be who you are not unless you work in Hollywood of course. It will make your
life more interesting and uncomplicated. That is the secret of truly
sophisticated people. Real people are like magnets. Like iron fillings to a
magnet, they draw people to themselves. Whether you like to come in terms with
it or not, people see through you, and whether or not they are honest with
themselves about it, they know if you are being real or not. Aren’t we all
attracted to a real person? By being yourself you draw into your life, the
right people, factors, situations and release the positive energy that will
make your very existence meaningful. Indeed, “Your life is an occasion, rise up
to it!...
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