How to Stop Loving Someone You Cant Have
The reason you
still can’t stop loving that person although you know that you can’t have him is that your subconscious minddidn’t fully accept what happened.
Acceptance can only happen when the subconscious mind makes sure that the event is irreversible. Most people who want to stop loving someone prevent themselves from accepting the fact that they can’t have him by doing the following:
1-Visualizing the good old memories
2-Keeping all the things that reminds them of him (text messages, e-mails.. etc)
3-Never confront the person directly and so keep the door open for hope
All of these practices keep hope present and as a result prevent acceptance from happening. If you want to stop loving that person you should first accept what happened by confronting him and making sure that he has no intentions to resume the relationship. (see the article the anatomy of acceptance for more information on that topic)
The second thing you should do is deleting the mails, the text messages and removing everything that reminds you of him. Preventing yourself from thinking about him is another very important task, I know that sometimes thoughts flow involuntary, but at least you can prevent these involuntary thoughts from growing bigger. All of these actions will convince your subconscious mind that its over and so you will be able to stop loving him.
Is there anybody Better than Him?
One of the things that can prevent you from stopping to love someone is thinking that this person was the one.
If you think that way then ask yourself a question, is there anybody else on earth who is better than him? Even if you didn't find any then this doesn't mean that there isn't a better person that you didn't meet yet. Definitely he is the not the best person in the world else everyone would have loved him. (see Ways to get over a breakup fast
Instead of feeling sad or down promise yourself that you will find someone better than him. This will help you get rid of the false belief that he is the best person in the world and so it will help you stop loving him.
In my book, How to get over anyone in few days i pointed out that one of the main reasons people fail to recover fast from breakups is that they have beliefs such as "the one" and "the soul mate", as soon as they realize that such beliefs are false they recover ten times faster.
Subconscious Mind & Repetition
One of the most powerful ways to convince your subconscious mind to believe in something is repetition. The more you repeat the fact that the relationship is over the more this statement is likely to turn into a solid belief (see the psychology of convincingfor more information on that topic).
If you want to stop loving someone then prevent yourself from repeating these phrases or from even thinking about them:
I can’t live without him
I can’t stop loving him
He is the only one I loved that much
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